Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Snsd Songs

Yang belom tau lagu2 dari snsd .. nih gw kasih tau.. :) mumpung lagi baek

- The Boys
- Paparazzi
- Baby Baby
- Gee
- Genie
- Chocolate Love
- Visual dreams
- Kissing You
- You Aholic
- Trick
- Twinkle (Tiffany,Taeyeon,Seohyun)
- Time Machine
- Merry Go round
- 7889 (feat kangta)
- Hoot
- Bad Girl
- Oh!
- Into the new world
- Oh La La!
- Hahaha
- Wake Up
- Run Devil Run
- Echo

Sebenernya masih banyak tapi gw kagak hafal.
Tapi lagu yang gw kasih tau enak2 kok :)

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Skandar keynes Interview

Where are you from?
I am half English, quarter Lebanese, eighth Persian and eighth Turkish.

Where is your name from?
My name is the shortened version of Iskandar which is Arabic for Alexander.

How do you pronounce Keynes?
Keynes is pronounced 'canes' rather than 'keens'.

When is your birthday?
My birthday is on 5 September 1991 and I will turn 19 this year.

Where do you live?
I live in London, England.

Where do you go to school?
I have just finished at City of London School for Boys in London.

Have you brothers and sisters?
I have one sister, Soumaya who is two years older than myself.

Have you got pets?
Two cats called Miss 'Peri' Puss and Mr 'Fil' Boots. Perry and Philip were two of the producers on The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and on Prince Caspian.

What about dogs?
I would like to have a dog one day.

Do you get crowded by girls at school?
I go to an all boys school, so sorry no!

Are you afraid that people will try to be your friend just because you are famous?
Not really. I have the same friends now as I had before any of this happened. plus some new ones, but none of them reckon that knowing me is any big deal!

How many languages do you speak?
I did French GCSE at school and one day I will go back to learning Arabic.

Do you play an instrument?
The cornet, a smaller version of a trumpet. I am teaching myself the guitar and the piano.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
I am still thinking about it. I am looking forward to studying Arabic and Middle East Studies at university but it doesn't mean that I can't carry on acting if I am offered any suitable parts at the right time.

If you are given a chance to work in the field of science, what would you invent or discover? 
A hamburger tree. Wings. A pill to make animals talk.

Is it true you are the great great great grandson of Charles Darwin?
Yes, but there are many others of course.

What is your favourite part about being an actor and if you could play any character in a movie, who would it be? 
I like going all over the world travelling. I would love to be James Bond one day .

What accomplishments are you most proud of? 
I used to be really scared of heights and now I can go Bungy Jumping.

When in need who do you turn to? 
My parents

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

All about Tiffany Hwang

Yup, si cantik dari SNSD adalah pembahasan gw hari ini
diliat dulu yuu~

Cakep kan~
bias gw gitu loh xD

All About Georgie Henley

hohoho~ ini juga idola gw
yap, dia juga maen di narnia jadi Lucy Pevensie
nih gw kasih biodata + fotonya :

Nama : Georgina Helen Henley / Georgia Laura Henley
TTL : Yorkshire, 9 Juli 1995
Nama Kakak = Rachael Henley
Zodiak = Cancer
Film : The Chronicles of Narnia : the lion,the witch,and the wardrobe
          The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian
          The Chronicles of Narnia : The voyage of the dawn threader
          Jane eyre
          Perfect Sister
Warna mata = biru
warna rambut= coklat
Nama Fandom = Georgiettes


1. Pernah nangis gara-gara dikatain mirip Dora ama Skandar Keynes
2. Reaksi georgie melihat Mr.tumnus di narnia 1 adalah asli
3. Dia selalu diejek ma temennya dengan kata " SKANDAR"
4. georgie,anna,dan skandar adalah teman yang dekat
5. Dia pinter balet


Nih gw kasih foto-foto SNSD
gw gak apal biodatanya xixixixi X_X

ini dia,,